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Message from Head of School

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At Margolin Hebrew Academy-Feinstone Yeshiva of the South, we believe that a great education combines mind but also heart. That’s what our close-knit school can do: impact students not just with facts and figures, but with mentorship and menshlachkeit. I invite you to spend time in our beit midrash and gym, events, and celebrations. It’s at those encounters that you will see what we do every day: cultivate students whose learning is infused with wisdom, who embody the values of Torah in their daily lives, and who continually grow in understanding and integrity as they navigate both their Jewish and broader identities.

What makes MHA-FYOS so special?

At MHA-FYOS, we have proudly served the Jewish community for over 75 years. Our program blends strong academics and Torah values. Our students thrive in this environment that challenges them intellectually while fostering a deep love for learning and tradition. As a cornerstone of Jewish life in Memphis, MHA-FYOS plays a vital role in nurturing the community’s next generation of leaders. Our school is a hub of Jewish educational events, where the warmth and values of the Memphis community are reflected in the relationships we build.

What makes MHA-FYOS so special for its students?

Our students benefit from a dual educational model that combines rigorous Torah and general studies. Our 5th graders pivot from deep discussions of Chumash to enriching STEM projects. Our Junior High students master mishnayot and novels. Our seniors apply to the finest Yeshivot and Seminaries and top universities. Given our small student-teacher ratio, each student is given the care to reach their full potential academically, spiritually, and personally.

What makes MHA-FYOS so special for parents?

We view education as a partnership between parents, students, and educators. That’s why parents are in our building so often. Some learn in the morning in our Beit Midrash or Rosh Chodesh parent-student learning. They return later in the evenings for parent-teacher night, college applications, and classroom celebrations. Some play pickup games in our gym. So many parents volunteer to help with fundraisers and events. At MHA-FYOS, parents play an essential role in shaping our collective educational future.

What makes MHA-FYOS so special for the broader Jewish community?

MHA-FYOS fosters a deep connection to Klal Yisrael and a commitment to the State of Israel. Our students develop a strong sense of responsibility to their local community and to the global Jewish community through volunteering at Le Bonheur and Jewish Family Services. We have yemei iyun (deep dive days) to learn about Israel advocacy and current events.


We invite you to explore the many facets of our vibrant school community and join us in building a brighter future for our children.

Rabbi Dr. Gavriel Brown

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